Alp Niksarli

Davidson, NC - (704) 490-0246 -

I'm a freshman Computer Science student at Davidson College interested in full stack development, data science and entrepreneurship. I aim to work with a team to develop a tech based product that will have a positive impact in many lives.


Davidson College 2023-2027(expected)

Davidson, NC

Activities and societies: Hack@Davidson, Bonner Scholars, Data CATS, C2i, Cats' Stats

Robert College 2018-2023

Besiktas, Ulus

Activities and societies: RC Web Development Club, RC Makers, RC Artificial Intelligence Club, RC Table Tennis Team, Volunteering


Data Consultant & Web Developer September 2023 - Present

Hurt Hub@Davidson

Provide data-related services 4-6 hours a week, along with preparing programming cheat sheets for faculty members. Develop website of a local business to accelerate the launch, after being admitted as a gig-hub consultant.

Freelance Python Developer June 2021 - August 2023

Fiverr (My profile)

Worked with over 50 clients and successfully completed 100+ of projects, getting a 5 star review from each order.

AI Intern September 2021 - March 2022


Developed a natural language processing algorithm to analyze users' sentiments. Worked on migrating our database into ElasticSearch, utilizing Python scripts.


Programming Tools

  • Python programming language
  • JavaScript programming language
  • Django web framework
  • TensorFlow
  • Git and GitHub


  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Backend Development
  • Data Scraping/Analysis
  • Frontend Development


  • Turkish: Native
  • English: Professional working proficiency
  • Spanish: Limited working proficiency
  • German: Limited working proficiency


Scrapista March 2021 - May 2021

Visit Project

Scrapista is a Python package that helps programmers with scraping data from some of the most popular websites such as Amazon, IMDB and Wikipedia. You can view the full documentation here:

Biolob July 2021 - August 2021

Visit Project

I developed Biolob as a final project to the Limitless Makers Tech and Entrepreneurship Summer Program I attended. Biolob aims to give online psychological therapy through its chatbot and other services yet to come.

ChatApp February 2021

Visit Project

ChatApp is a multi room web based chatting application that is inspired by WhatsApp.

© 2024 by Alp Niksarli